Striped Dolphin
The striped dolphins are relatively small and aerodynamic. As the name suggests, the most striking features are “stripes”. A long, dark band on the flank goes down to the lower part of the body. A second dark band visible from the eye to the pectoral fin. They have a slim figure, dark and falcate dorsal fin, as well as a prominent beak.
Common dolphin
Common dolphins are characterized by having a dark brownish-gray back, white belly and an hourglass-like pattern on the flanks, where the anterior color is yellow, and the posterior color is light gray. The color of the dorsal fin may be dark or beige.
Risso’s dolphin
They have a robust body extensively scarred, a large rounded head, dark and prominent dorsal fin and long pointed flippers. The body tends to lighten with age and become almost white due to scars and scratches.
Harbour Porpoise
The harbour porpoise is difficult to observe because it shows little of itself at the surface, so a brief glimpse is the most common sighting. They are small in size and robust in shape. The color may be variable, but it is usually dark gray on the back, lightening up to the ventral area which is white.
Killer Whale
It is the largest member of the dolphin family. The distinctive black, white and gray marks and the enormous dorsal fin make it relatively easy to identify. They have a white patch behind the eye, a grey lumbar saddle-patch, large paddle-shaped fins and a robust and heavy body.
Minke whale
The Minke whale is the smallest and most abundant of the rorquals. The head is one of the most distinctive features. When looking at the head from above, the single, sharp and longitudinal edge along the center and the overall triangular shape are visible.
Humpback Whale
One of the most energetic whales, due to the spectacular breaching, Lobtailing and flipper-slapping. At a distance, it is distinguished by its unique flukes, by the knobs on the head and by the long flippers. The black and white pigmentation in the lower region of the tail fin allows individuals to be distinguished.
Ocean Sunfish
Unmistakable species due to its shape, presenting the rounded body with two fins in the posterior area projecting vertically in opposite directions. Sunfish, or mola, develop their truncated, bullet-like shape because the back fin which they are born with simply never grows.
Bottlenose Dolphin
The coloring is quite complex, although, under most light conditions at sea, they appear to have a uniform grey color. The obvious feature is that it has a dark, prominent and falcate dorsal fin. It has a robust head and body. They have a distinct rostrum with melon crease. Rounded forehead.
Leatherback Turtle
Dermochelys coriacea, from Latin, means “armored skin turtle”. The largest species of turtles has a black carapace. The carapace does not attach to the plastron at an angle, but in a smooth curve, giving a semi-cylindrical appearance. They have 7 longitudinal dorsal and 5 ventral keels.
Blue Shark
The common name comes from the blue color of the skin, unique among the sharks. A slim torpedo shaped shark with metallic blue colouration on top and white underneath. They have distinctively long pectoral (front) fins, conical snout, large eyes, and curved triangular upper teeth with saw edges.
Smooth hammerhead shark
This species is named “smooth hammerhead” because of the distinctive shape of the head, which is flattened and laterally extended into a hammer shape (called the “cephalofoil”), without an indentation in the middle of the front margin (hence “smooth”). The cephalofoil is wide but short, measuring 26–29% of the body length across.